Rubber Necking or Lookin To Good?
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Jasmine Sowards, 23 of Lincoln County is under severe scrutiny after seven car accidents in her field of view in just 2 minutes. At around 10:00 am Saturday morning Sowards went out to get the mail, something she does six times a week. “It was just a normal morning” Said Sowards. “I woke up, threw my slippers on and went to get the mail” said Sowards. “I was shocked when I seen the first car hit the power pole, but when the 7th car drove into the creek I thought the world was ending” she said to reporter Christian Trust. People in the community say they’ve know Sowards for about six or seven years and “She looks better and better as the days go by” Said Tom from down the street. Others in the community say she “Just looks too good”. “How can you pay attention to the road when Jesus sends an Angle right into your view?” Said Gary, One of the drivers who crashed after seeing Sowards. Her husband disagrees. “How is it her problem that people can’t quit looking at her while they’re driving?” “I drive with her in the car with me and she only has to grab the wheel a few times to get my eyes back on the road”. Sowards said she was sorry to the men who wrecked they’re vehicles and said she will try to avoid checking the mail in the future. What do you think?
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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