This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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Bajo el marco de los Carnavales de Mar del Plata un Trans llamada Manddy Madelayneh reclama a su fujitivo enamorado Nerio Luis de Jesus Perez Salinas
Un Trans afirma no poder olvidar al Venezolano, que le dio las mejores noches de pasión en el mencionado pueblo aragueño.
Textualmente, afrma que se le hace agua la boca de solo recordarlo. Nerio el empalador como así lo recuerdan, lo que le falta de dotado lo compenza con los mejores juegos sexuales.
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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a monkey escapes from the miami zoo and throws bananas from a tree
Mario a monkey from the Miami Zoo has escaped last Friday from his cage when he escaped, he threw bananas at people from all over Los Angeles. This has led to a video called "banana rain going viral" right now this little criminal monkey is found in prison.
octopus teaches math at harvard
They hire octopus to teach math at harvard, the octopus is called arnold and it is said that he is paid 3000 dollars per class. here are some images