Single payment system to be instituted around the world by 2025

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Single payment system to be instituted around the world by 2025

By January 25, 2025, the entire globe will be using one single currency - the SPS. Many currency markets have gone into overdrive with trading at an all time high. Even gold, which had dipped in popularity in recent years, is being bought and stocked by all major banks.
“We are the verge of a stock market meltdown,” said NYCE floor manager Paul Sonavril. “How the G20 decided such a drastic policy without consulting the UN or the World Monetary Fund is beyond me. We are working 23hours a day to try and stability lize the market so it doesn’t crash.”
Leaders of more than 100 countries have signed the G20 decision only awaiting the signatures of the remaining 35, notably tax havens like Luxembourg.
German chancellor Olaf Scholz has released the following statement “We expect a smooth transition to the SPS as all our peoples want to live in a peaceful loving world. One currency is one love.”
- AP

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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