Racist Danish Youtube Star Caught In A Robbery

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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Racist Danish Youtube Star Caught In A Robbery

On October 24, a person with a mask accused of robbing Target in NYC, it turns out the man behind the mask is a danish youtuber with over 400 thousands subs that was behind the mask.
"We do not tolerate this kind of actions, this punishment will be very harsh" the local police said.
Alexander Husum claims he can make better video with that camera and he really needs it, since he started an english channel.
This youtuber is also accussed of hurting 4 people during the robbery. All of these people are confirmed to be okay, and in a good condition.

This youtuber will be sent to jail for 5 years and be banned from travelling to USA for 10 years. He will also get a fine on 500 thousand dollars.
This youtuber claims he is friends with PewDiePie, and PewDiePie "gave his permission" to do these kind of disrespectful actions.

This youtuber also got many claims by him being racist.

"Black people are niggas, just the truth. Every black people is also a monkey and need to go to slave camp." - Alexander Husum

this is a picture of a black monkey

this article is a joke and none of these claims is real

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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