US sends troops to Ukrain
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On april second the united sttates announced that they would be sending troops to aid in the defense of Ukrain. President Joe Bidome said in a press release “We need to help our brothers and sisters overseas. We as Americans must be prepared to defend our values and our beliefs.” It appears that Bidome is saying that americams should be willing to fight for a country that they have no connection to. Bidome tweeted that americans should be fighting for freedom all over the world and not just in the United states. Bidome has done a complete one eighty on his beliefs about the conflict and has ordered the troops that are already in europe to move to ukrain. Bidome has said in the past that he would not send troops to ukraine and that it would be an “act of war” to attack russia. It looks like we may be in for a long war between these two superpowers.
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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