Trump’s Mental Stability Under Question Again

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Reuters announced today, that according to an unnamed White House source, President Donald Trump was once again found on the White House lawn in his bathrobe. This latest incident occurred at approximately 5:45 AM on Sunday. The President was observed by a White House staffer who wishes to remain anonymous. The staffer said Mr Trump was seated on the grass next to a live goat, and he (Mr Trump) was speaking to it, in what the staffer described as, “a very animated manner.” Secret Service personnel again responded and separated the President from the goat. It is unknown at this time where the goat came from, or how it got onto the White House property. This is the second incident this week in which the President has been found on the White House lawn in his bathrobe. Earlier in the week, Mr Trump was spotted by Secret Service personnel. In that incident, he was found “wandering”, and was carrying a dead possum by it’s tail.

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